速報APP / 生活品味 / Wedding Colors

Wedding Colors



檔案大小:14.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Wedding Colors(圖1)-速報App

Looking for the perfect color combination for your wedding or event? "Wedding Colors" makes it fun and easy for you with this interactive and inspiring app!

Have questions or need help? Email us! --> apps@prye.com

Peruse over 250 color combinations organized by theme, design your own personal swatch palettes, create custom color swatches and then bring all your ideas together in an inspiration board!

Choosing your wedding colors is one of the first and most important steps in the wedding planning process. Once chosen, your color palette allows for the rest of your style or theme to easily follow through with coordinating stationery, flowers, accessories and fashion.

Wedding Colors(圖2)-速報App

Wedding Colors is a fun, handy little app that will inspire you to be creative and express yourself in color for this once in a lifetime event. Easily share your colorful ideas with your bridal party and vendors to make planning even easier.

Wedding Colors" is not only fun and useful for you, but it is also a great tool for the people involved in your wedding. This app makes a great little "Congrats" gift for a newly engaged girlfriend, as well!


Tap through themes (Formal & Romantic, Modern, Rustic & Vintage, Tropical & Nautical, Fun & Funky, Seasons and Holidays) to view over 250 themed color combinations. Tap any color palette for a closer look and each color's RGB and CMYK values. Save your preferred palette to coordinate your event or share with your bridal party.

Wedding Colors(圖3)-速報App


Inspiration boards are the perfect tool for organizing your visions, colors and themes. Choose your colors, then coordinate looks that inspire you or accessories you may want to use in your event and see how it all comes together on one convenient screen! Add your own photos, colors and text to your inspiration boards to showcase your style and flair. This app tool is very dynamic and interactive!


Swatches make it easy for you to see the slight variations between colors and choose your own custom color palette. Choose from one to four colors to create your own set of custom swatches. Save the swatches for use later or pull them right into your inspiration board.

Wedding Colors(圖4)-速報App


Easily share your themed palettes, inspiration boards, swatches and custom colors with your bridal party, friends, family, and vendors to keep everyone in the loop or to just flaunt your flair. "Wedding Colors" makes it easy to do so!

Wedding Colors(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad